Getting crafty – making candles at home

Confession time: I’m the least artsy craftsy person you’re likely to meet. As a child, I read and I played piano. That was it. I was never into drawing, making things or anything of the sort.

And, as an adult – not much has changed. My stagnant Pinterest account testifies to my lack of handsiness – which, isn’t a surprise if you also consider that I don’t know how to wire a plug, and learned how to change a lightbulb well into my twenties. But, this past weekend I spent a few hours getting handsy with homemade candles and fragrances: and I loved it.

It’s all thanks to a special delivery from the SA Candle Supply Co, who believed in me despite my lack of skill – a box of soy wax, a collection of containers and scents – for me to play around with and exercise a little creativity. So, one weekend, armed with a little YouTube knowledge, I got melting, pouring and creating. And, honestly – I had so much fun! I often say that it’s tricky having both a day job – and hobby (this blog) – that both generally require me to sit behind a computer and work with words. So, it was a lovely change to use my hands for something practical for a change.

Their website allows you to buy all items individually – from the scent to the type of wax, the wick and the final containers and jars you’d like – so you can customise your end product completely. And, for newbies like me, there are a few videos to guide you through the process, but honestly – it’s really quite simple. Ideally, you’d want to pour your wax in two stages over two days – around 3/4 full the first day, and then filling it on the second. But, if you’re impatient, like me – and do it in one day – they’ll sink a little towards the centre, which isn’t the end of the world.

The entire process took barely 45 minutes to melt the wax, mix in the fragrance, place the wicks and pour. I chose soy wax and peony rose fragrance oil to make my candles, and a selection of jars (including this one and this one) for the final products. And yes, the chances of messing this up in anyway are almost non-existent, but that doesn’t mean I was super proud of how my finished products turned out. Who knows, maybe I’m a crafty person after all?

Note: All products were supplied by the SA Candle Supply Co. All views and images are my own.


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  • Bridget Hannah
    July 1, 2019

    I was just thinking about making my own candles this morning….love this!

  • Annette Hamann
    July 2, 2019

    It must be awesome to make your own candles. I love canedles. Especially when I’m soaking in the tub.

Chefs Warehouse at Beau Constantia
Getting crafty – making candles at home